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37A Upper Dunmurry Lane,

Belfast, BT17 0AA


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M-F: 8.30am – 5pm


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+44 (0) 28 90 686756

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Why choose us as ICF Suppliers/Installers?

Ballantine Building Solutions have over 17 years experience as Suppliers, Builders & Installation experts of ICF having completed many successful projects over our 67 years in the construction business.

What Is Insulated Concrete Formwork? (ICF)

ICF is based on hollow lightweight block components that lock together to provide a formwork system into which concrete is poured. The blocks are made from expanded polystyrene panels fixed together with plastic webs (reducing thermal bridging) to create a formwork to which horizontal and vertical steel reinforcements can be easily added for extra strength. Once braced, concrete can be poured into the forms enabling fast construction one storey at a time. The expanded polystyrene panels stay in place, resulting in a super-insulated monolithic solid concrete structure.

Is ICF suitable for a Sustainable Building?

If you are planning a Sustainable Building, regardless of the Energy Performance Standard that you wish to achieve, the two key requirements for the building envelope are the thermal efficiency and equally important but sometimes less obvious requirement of air-tightness then ICF construction is an ideal build method to achieve both of these goals.

Are build times faster with ICF?

Absolutely! The ICF walls as soon as built are waterproof even before the external finishes are applied, allowing internal works to commence sooner. ICF construction is not impacted by adverse weather in the same way that traditional masonry is. Cold temperatures do not affect progress. Services and cabling conduit can be quickly and easily chased into the interior of the ICF panels leading to a faster interior fit out.

Is it Cost Efficient?

With an average saving of between 25% to 30% in both cost & building time and low ‘U’ Values from 0.23W/m2degk down to 0.11W/m2degk – When all factors & benefits are taken into consideration, ICF becomes extremely competitive compared to both traditional building methods and lightweight framing.